Thursday, June 24, 2010


Oh firefly, oh firefly, fairy of the night sky
may your light transfer and intensify

So magical. I feel as if whenever you are in a place where there are abundant fireflies, you cannot help but to think good thoughts, have sprightly imagination, or think of the Holy Spirit.

I recently went driving with my brother. There are no places to go after 9 o'clock on a weekday, except for a diner for some pie of course! We had a great time drinking tea and eating pie, but after a while, we were once again thrown into the ambiguous night. The moon was miraculous at its yellow waxing gibbous state high in the sky, and I was awake and restless as always when the moon is swelling with light. I was itching to get out of the car and spend some time in a nature oasis, but I knew my brother was tired. Maybe he sensed my restlessness or got inspired from the beautiful moonlit back roads we were traveling, but soon enough we were scaling down the side of a road towards the river.

It was a beautiful river-bend with a delicate song grasping around the rocks and falling with the runoff. All of the trees were laden with thousands of fireflies. After talking excitedly for a few hours, my brother and I immediately fell silent when we arrived. The mind is eased with a river, no matter how ceaseless and rambunctious either seem to be. I sat there thinking of how fireflies seemed to be bundles of energy. Some fireflies seemed to be slower and brighter while others were more frequent and dull. My brother had the realization that when you are visited with the light of God, sometimes you are blinded for a bit afterwards while walking through life. And it occurred to me to compare this with fireflies in the sense that some people are visited by God frequently, whereas some are less frequent but with higher life-altering intensity.

Hopefully I can be as consistent as the firefly or rightfully inconsistent with the amount of light I am letting show, for every situation calls for either reserve or for me to step out of my comfort zone and embrace what is being asked of my Spirit.