Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Falling In Lust With a Pisces Man

What is the feeling
that makes us want to close our eyes?

I sit by the river.
My reflection upon the water is a perplexing one.
One that I know, but each ripple,
each different from the last or next,
leaves me mesmerized.
I do not like this.
I look away, and find I am cleansed through by breeze..
I close my eyes.

There is a moment of worry at what I see;
the reflections within my mind's eye,
leads me to almost open my eyes,
but i breathe out instead.
When I straighten my spine
and fix my face into a relaxed smile,
I am rewarded with joy and peace.

I can hear close but also far;
far to the right, I hear untamable rapids,
though tamed by the time they arrive at my perch.
There is a large rock in the river's middle
Inspiring a bubbling rhythm.
The low tones let loose,
ripple out, and float away.
The others a seductive dance of healing creativity.

The waters wash over my body and soul;
the eb and flow is contained, but not confined by,
the solar construct of soil and plants.
All things energetic and rejuvenating comes from the right,
spiral through and around,
and by the unwinding path to the left, are released.

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