Saturday, October 9, 2010

Achieved: Lifelong Learner

So I've quit quitting talking, but I don't feel like a quitter.

What I learned:

To learn, one must outsource. learning is more than observing. its more than listening. Its applying, its creating, its remembering. (Educators: sound familiar? its the all encompassing Bloom's taxonomy!) Learning to remember is a much longer process, and a vow one must take if they can't seem to remember it all. We can only remember seven things in the short term memory. That is why phone numbers are seven numbers. After that, one must commit pieces of information to long-term memory or forget them. That's where the next note of learning comes in:

I'm in love with steno pads. Writing down things I find interesting as soon as I hear them makes it so I can remember more. its like sticking a long-term memory in my back pocket to set my short term free for the here and now. Writing down poetry leads to the creation of life for me. Poetry is the way someone says something, the literature they refer to, and the advice they give. Even if I do not re-read my notes, the things I need to remember will stay with me because I took the extra moment to recreate it. The mixture of things I chose to write down during my silence are very interesting. And from this, I want to make the effort to always carry a notepad in my back pocket.

I am happier when I talk. On Thursday, I went through the day as I always did, not talking except for my exceptions. Though as it was Midterms week, there were so many exceptions between tutors and group projects, that it got frustrating to Yo-yo, as I expressed in the last post. After I got over the frustration of not doing what I set out to do, I realized I was smiling more. When I didn't speak my face wasn't stoic, but it did not have the chance to exercise as when one talks. With talking, I had the chance to smile and be happier as a result.

I notice how my body speaks. So much of communicating is with hand motions and eye contact and such, but what about within us? I've already said that by talking I smiled more, but there was also a vibration felt through my body. With each consonant and vowel, my diaphragm resonates throughout my inner body. To speak it starts with the solar plexus. One speaks from the depths of their soul when they do this, and that is shown in the vibration when we talk. A sigh of relief, a "Mhmm" of validation, a "hmm" when we are awoken to something new: these are all vibrations that stir emotions and communicate more than words.

Ive noticed much more, but these are the major lessons. There is a stronger sense of harmony and clarity in my life, that I am very glad i did it. Though I wish I could have gone longer, as an academic I think this was a good amount of time. I probably will take more days in fragments throughout my life. From sundown one day to sunrise two days later is an adequate amount of time to find clarity in the state of one's listening and communication skills. This will be perfect thing to do throughout life.

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