Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Night Before...


And I'm excited.

I am beginning a vow of silence, but since no one can ever shut me up, for I am too firey, it has been re-named a "Vow of Learning to Listen".
Here are some rules I am following:

1. i am an academic. first and foremost, i need to keep this in mind. If I need to nix the whole thing and go to school, because that is the most important.

2. Gumby. Have a Plan but be flexible. I've been enjoying saying lately, "don't be grumpy be gumby". If I need to participate more than I would have liked to when I first thought of this challenge to pass a class, so be it. The point of this is to learn so I can teach better. Well, this is the biggest point of my experiment.

3. tutors. The way I envisioned this happening from that fateful Thursday hammockday creation is to have a one hour of tutor per course I am taking. some classes will take less, some will be more, but just something weekly to check up with the teacher and/or student tutor on how I am doing academically. I will talk during this time, but mostly questions, and striving for complete mindfulness while doing so.

4. singing. I do want to improve musically, so I will sing periodically.

5. Blogging. I will update this frequently also, so to let all my friends and family know how I am doing. Also any changes to the plan will be documented for I want to be flexible to changes, but stern in what I want to do. I will meditate thoroughly on each decision, and maybe consult Thoreau too :] (with his rules of mile from town "wilderness living" and visitors and all...but still a great man, nonetheless)

6. Reasons: there are many reasons why I want to do this but here are a few, not really in any order, that I've seen so far:
one: so to be a better teacher. to understand the ones who can't express themselves easily or are suppressed in any way.
two: to learn to listen, I've been so loud my whole life. and when I'm not loud I'm thinking loudly. I have perceived myself to have been observant this whole time, but my guess is that it is mostly clues; not truly and simply listening to life around me.
three: to learn better. because of the reason above I have considered myself to possibly have auditory processing disorder because I can never remember what the teacher has said, and many symptoms of the disorder. However, maybe I can avoid ever having to be formally diagnosed with the disorder if I can simply learn to listen.
four: to transcend negativity. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. things i think might currently have negative connotations: my school's reputation, the rep of americans and their gluttonous ways, choosing a spiritual choice over a more "logical" one. among others, but I think these are things I can work toward changing. I have high aspirations.

7. exceptions: Within the next two weeks, (see calendar below) speak to whoever I need to to do this, Student Senates, Advisors, Deans, Profs, Directors, whoevers. Set up a support staff of a few people I can talk to to keep sanity-> one therapist-like person, two advisors, one person I can just tell past stories to so on so forth. I will organize this vague part by the 30th.

Calendar: September 12-start vow. That Sunday until October-organize and explain, talk only when I need to either. October until December- as quiet as decided on September 30th. 5days before or after Thanksgiving: No communication whatsoever as Friend Ben told me. Break fast on Thanksgiving. December 17-Break for Christmas break. re-evaluate how smoothly my school worked with me, do it the same way for the next semester. Talk when school lets out! Be mindful for the rest of my life!

In the words a beloved friend, Will write more later!

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